Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Meet Morrison

Morrison is Max’s tadpole. Our friend gave us three, two have since perished and are buried in the lawn somewhere. We’ve had Morrison for a couple of weeks now and he’s 50% larger than when he first arrived. He lives in our garden, in a Tupperware container with leaves from a pond. Max named him Morrison as I suspect that was the first word that came into Max’s head when asked what his tadpole’s name was. Max has only ever heard the name Morrison in connection with the supermarket but I like to think that our tadpole is named after Jim Morrison, whose music and lyrics I’m a big fan of, whose rock and roll life fascinates me and his morbid, early death even moreso...

We are eagerly awaiting Morrison to grow legs (but not a beard)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a tadpole called Edgar during the time I was at college. I managed to swipe some plutonium from the physics lab and I plopped it in the tank with him.
Like you'd expect, it had a rather strange effect on him.
He mutated beyond my wildest dreams.
He grew arms and legs and fluffy white hair on his head.
He changed his name to Trevor and is now a newsreader on ITV.