Macy-May, Moo-Moo, Noodle, Noo-Noo aka my first ever dog!
Life happens. Thank goodness. My children will always be just that, no matter how tall and hairy they get. They go through school, exams, jobs, girlfriends and cars, soaking up all that 'life' has to offer. They do it well. They have good friends, health, exam results, security, opportunity and humour. But even though they have a combined age of 57 (!) my position, occupation, as mum doesn't stop. Last Sunday, Mothers' Day, was testament when they took me out for the obligatory - and delicious - carvery. Or when a tipsy girlfriend is in my kitchen at 2am with a dance-floor injury and I'm designated nurse. Or when I cook a meal for those who do not manage their spare time and have yet to explore, nee discover, the wonders of the Supermarket. And when I show a 6 footer how to boil pasta and add a jar of pesto cos he couldn't be bothered to read the label. And there's Christmas of course. This is the mums' most opportune time of the year to shine as feeder, wrapper extraordinaire, gift-giver, soppy sentimentalist and selfless witness of young people's dressing up for late night celebrations down 'Spoons.
I am - always will be - mum.
When I took Luke and Ellis to Cornwall 20 years ago they were toddlers. My nan loved to see us all. She claimed their blonde hair (My granddad's nickname was 'Blondie') and she made no secret of being proud to have produced babies that produced babies that produced babies. Her sister, Hazel, had children, a boy and a girl, yet her son barely saw adulthood before he tragically passed away. Auntie Hazel was a gracious woman, down to earth and knew what was important. As she looked at my little blondies she said to her sister,
'Little loves, best years of your life, eh Pearl?'
I knew then - in that instant - that I should never wish away any time, mine or my childrens'. Auntie Hazel was not wrong. She passed away on Christmas Day last year, reunited with her son to share her best with him.
Keep laughing boys, these are the best years of your life 😄

Wedding day 23rd July 2016
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