I work in an office five days a week. I live 6 miles from the office and I usually drive. In summer months I cycle, when time allows. I enjoy work, but it is work, not a party, and I love my home but that, too, is tiring and often stressful. But inbetween work and home I enjoy this:

I took these this morning. Every single day I feel completely overwhelmed with how lucky I am to have that view into work every morning. (And no, I don’t work in France!)
Wow! You really are lucky to have that view every day. Sigh. I want to go sit by the sea and have that scent and that sound and that view... not right now though, obviously, it being winter and night time!
awww, this is my most fave fave fave ever ever place in the summer, cycling the whole length from the start at the rotunda aallll the way to where it ends way past hythe, dunno what's beyond that cos I'm normally dead!
I appreciate it just as much as you do everytime I drive past, it's one of the inconveniences of not having tape work to collect, I miss it.
xxx Lynbo xxx
Sara, it smells (and looks) just as good in winter, if not better.
Lynn, it's a cracking cycle ride and when it's too windy you can always go along the canal path, behind the houses.
You've got a point - driving is the only time when you can actually relax - there's nothing you have to do except drive. You've got a point - driving is the only time when you can actually relax - there's nothing you have to do except drive. And sea has a wonderful calming influence. Maybe it's to do with chilhood yearning. I like to find quiet cross-country roads - you can watch the seasons change in the fields, just got to be careful you don't relax too much..... but at least hitting the curb/ verge wakes you up.
5 days a week? Sounds weird. 60 days a week is more like it.
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