Well, would you believe it?! With absolute astonishment I discovered that Luke was, indeed, vacuuming his bedroom – unasked! …just please give me a moment whilst I get up from having fallen on the floor.
I’ve never, in all my years of knowing Luke, seen him lift a finger without being nagged to do so (tears usually get the idle so and so moving, my tears that is, not his). And yet he took it upon himself to get the vac, drag it up stairs, USE IT and take it back downstairs again – I honestly want to throw my hands up in the air and rejoice to a haunting chorus of ‘Alleluia’.
I think he was prompted by my manic (absolutely no other word for it) tidy up/clear out session I had last night. I manically cleared out wardrobes and bedrooms ruthlessly, feeling my mind get tidier as the black sacks were filled with unwanted items, it was nothing short of cathartic. Luke has his own bedroom and took my lead and actually – hold breath for dramatic pause – cleared out his wardrobe!! He proceeded to do a fine job and I was reminded last night that the carpet in his room was green. Which was nice.
Just a little reminder that you can become a ‘follower’ of my blog (having been brought up in the Catholic faith that does feel a wee bit strange for me to say – I'm not suggesting for a minute that you take my ramblings and deliver their meanings in your own tongue to the unannointed and Gentiles). No, no, it’s just that it’s been pointed out to me that it might not be very obvious to blog readers that you can click on the link on the right and what happens then, I'm not entirely sure, perhaps one of you could tell me!
Right, I’ve just eaten some grilled halloumi cheese on brown toast without even noticing, such is my greed. Halloumi’s fat content is off the scale, we’re talking Extreme, which is not helping with my DWTBAFB diet, which I am now following after trying on my bridesmaid dress yesterday. Let’s just say that the promised photos will probably not make their way to these pages, however I’ve promised Nikki that I’ll do the dress justice on the day.
Off now to balance out the Extreme eating with a nettle tea, infused with a few drops of perspective.
There you go, I am now an officialy follower. The link wasn't 'active' yesterday.
We've had Eureka hoovering moments, don't panic, it's something they have to try at least once, like making you a cup of tea, it seems they have to satisfy themselves that it really isn't something that comes natural, and after trying it once, it won't happen again.
good luck with the ebay
x Lynn x
Nope, nothing has happened since, in fact the whole episode hasn't been spoken about and we'll just chalk it up to a eureka moment and move on...x
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